Need an antidote to stress?
Say goodbye to feeling wired, tired and anxious.
Need an antidote to stress?
Say goodbye to feeling wired, tired and anxious.
I see you, you’re living on the edge, walking a tightrope of over-commitment, with deadlines at work and frantic juggling at home. Chances are you feel exhausted, anxious and overwhelmed and it’s starting to show…yelling at the kids, fighting with your partner…beating yourself up (again). ☹
But, if you’re the perfectionist I think you are, you find it hard to reach out and ask for help, because somewhere deep inside you feel like a failure admitting you can’t do it all. How many more sleepless nights, panic attacks or bottles of wine will it take before you call it enough? You don’t have to live like this, there is another way where…
You sleep soundly all through the night and wake up energised
You look forward to the day ahead, knowing you can handle what’s coming
Your self-talk is caring, calm and grounded
You walk tall, with an inner confidence that says ‘I’ve got this’
As a Clinical Psychologist I see many clients who feel like you and over the years I’ve helped them break free from the negative cycle of stress. To help you do the same, I’ve collated my top 7 tips to help you stress less in my FREE eBook The 7 Antidotes to Stress.
Do you find the more stressed you become the more silly little things start to trigger you? When you notice your stress levels ramping-up, use this simple tip to help you re-frame stress triggers in your life to find an alternative way to respond.
When you’re stressed motivation dips which makes it harder to tackle the tasks that are overwhelming you, leading to a sense of rising panic and more stress! It’s a catch 22, but there’s an easy way to break this cycle and I’ll show you how in Antidote #2.
When you’re stressed it’s easy to turn to the wine, chocolate or cheese to sooth yourself, but after a spot of binge eating this only makes you feel worse. There’s a simple and quick way to feel better when you’re stressed, that might surprise you.
Simple, free and effortless, learning how to harness the power of your breathing to calm your stress is a game changer. In Antidote #4 I’ll show you how to use this technique to conquer stress in any situation.
Stress has a habit of keeping you caught-up in your head, chewing over worries and playing out scenarios, which is why being more present can be calming. In Antidote #5 I’ll share a super simple exercise which will help ground you so you can manage stress better.
Stress can give you tunnel vision, narrowing your focus on the negative and worrying thoughts that are cycling round your brain. It can be hard to find relief from this pattern, but the technique I share in Antidote #6 will help to free you from your negative thoughts.
Stress turns the lens of self-doubt, criticism and negativity inwards, which means you pick yourself apart from the inside out. Let’s stop that right now, with this simple tip for crushing stress through the act of giving.
Practicing Clinical Psychologist with a special interest in trauma, child psychology and eating disorders. As a working Mum of two living in regional Australia, I understand how stressful daily life can be. I’ve created this eBook because I’m passionate about helping you find simple ways to manage your emotional and mental wellbeing before stress becomes a problem that needs clinical treatment. My hope is that this resource will give you the practical tools to find a calmer, happier and more confident you…